Tummy Tuck in Montreal


What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a common surgical procedure designed to achieve a tighter, flatter, and thinner abdomen.

Who is the Right Candidate?

Abdominoplasty or a tummy tuck corrects loose abdominal skin, removes excess abdominal fat, and tightens lax abdominal muscles (diastasis). These changes occur after weight loss (for example after bariatric surgery), after one or more pregnancies, or simply as a result of aging.

What Does the Procedure Consist of?

A tummy tuck in Montreal is done under general anesthesia. During the procedure, the excess skin and fat are removed and the remaining skin is tightened to achieve a flat and tight abdomen. Liposuction is often combined with a tummy tuck to achieve superior results and contour the abdomen. In a complete tummy tuck (click on this link for information about a “mini-tummy”), the umbilicus (belly button) is often repositioned to allow for maximal skin redraping and superior aesthetic results.

Lastly, weak abdominal muscle or separated abdominal muscle (rectus diastasis) can also be corrected during a tummy tuck. Plication of the rectus abdominis muscle tightens the abdominal musculature and results in a tighter, flatter abdomen.

To get more information, please refer to the before/after picture gallery, courtesy of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. We also invite you to refer to this video on tummy tuck surgery (Click on the “Body” tab and then “Tummy Tuck – Full”)

What Are my Other Options?

In cases of mild abdominal skin excess, a mini tummy tuck or mini-abdominoplasty can be performed. This procedure also improves the appearance of the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat.

A mini tummy tuck or mini-abdomiplasty results in a shorter scar and the umbilicus (belly button) is not repositioned with this procedure. Lastly, plication of the entire abdominal wall is not possible with a mini tummy-tuck or abdominoplasty

Individuals who are not candidates for a tummy tuck or a mini-tummy tuck, should call us to discuss these options: abdominal etching, and a monsplasty.

How Much Does the Procedure Cost?

The cost of a tummy tuck generally depends on the treatment plan that is developed for you. Dr. Alain Azzi will be able to provide a personalized and accurate cost estimate after consultation where your unique needs and concerns will be evaluated.

During the consultation, Dr. Alain Azzi will perform a physical exam and will discuss your specific needs. A member from our patient care coordination department will subsequently provide you with the details regarding the cost of a tummy tuck in Montreal. Call us today to book a consultation.

We both offer in-person and virtual plastic surgery consultations.